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McPherson RV Ranch
Pet Policies & Rules


                McPherson RV Ranch is pet friendly. Your pets are happiest when with you; please keep your pets with a member of your party at all times as this helps reduce excessive barking.


Pets are welcome as long as the following policies are followed:


  1. Pet must be leashed at all times outside of the camping unit.
    1. Leash the pet before opening the door of the camping unit or vehicle.
    2. Leashes are requested to be less than 6’ in length.
    3. Children under the age of 10 are not allowed to walk pets unsupervised.
  2. Animals are not allowed in the office or clubhouse.
  3. Animals are not allowed in the pond.
  4. No pens or crates are allowed outside of the camping unit.
  5. Pets may not be tethered (tied) outside the camping unit unattended. Someone must be with the pet at all times outside the camping unit. Tethering to trees is not allowed.
  6. Pets are not allowed to urinate or defecate on the rock or artificial turf of the campground. Pets are to do their “business” in the grass areas adjacent the campground.
  7. IMPORTANT: All pet droppings are the responsibility of the pet owner and must be properly disposed of immediately. There may be a $50.00 fee and you may be asked to leave the campground if you do not immediately pickup after your pet.
  8. Pets creating a disturbance, being aggressive or deemed a nuisance by management will not be tolerated and may be immediately removed per the request of management.
  9. All pets should have proper papers and/or tags of vaccinations to be presented to management upon request.
  10. Service animals are welcome; however, the same Pet Rules & Policies apply to them as well.
  11. Pet owners who fail to follow the Pet Rules & Policies will lose the privilege of having pets accompany them on campground property.
  12. If a guest is requested to leave for failure to follow the Pet Rules & Policies, no refund will be issued.
  13. The McPherson RV Ranch, LLC and its’ representatives are not to be held responsible for injuries to guests’ pets, nor accidents, damages or injuries as the results of guests’ pets.
  14. Pet owners are responsible for any and all accidents, damages or injuries caused by their pets while on the McPherson RV Ranch property.



Revised 5/27/2022





By my signature below, I understand the McPherson RV Ranch’s Pet Rules & Policies, and agree to abided by the terms. I understand that failure to do so may result in being evicted from the McPherson RV Ranch without refund.



Signature: _____________________________________                 Date: __________________       Site #_________


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